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Single core CPU

Coffee, water, oats, dishes, oats, coffee, oats, coffee. Even the simplest tasks when done in parallel make me ache in a dull quiet scream. My body is begging me to stop. Coffee, dishes, oats, coffee, oats. I’m cutting the apple in practiced motions. Chop, chop, the end is near.
Technology  ✺  People

Can’t do it alone

Every now and then, I have this overwhelming itch to put something out into the world. Not just a drawing for mom, but something others would use too. When I was eight years old, I would make catalogues of products "others could buy". My parents didn't appreciate these finer things,
Business  ✺  People

📚 Book: maquillée

📚 Book: Care and Capitalism

📚 Book: Gender(s)

📚 Zine: User’s Guide To (Demanding) The Impossible

📚 Book: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

📚 Book: Making Light Work